
深度译文| 社会设计与新殖民主义Social Design and Neocolonialism(bilingual)

Cinnamon Janzer Upbeing行动村 2023-06-04


社会设计,不是设计一个产品和服务出来就可以,不是创新就可以,不是服提供服务就可以。下文为我们提供了一种内部视角, 阐述了适合社会设计的基本方法, 我们希望可以同大家一起,从内部视角,而不是以外来入侵殖民者的视角去为社区设计强行设计。

摘要 Abstract
This article examines the current field of social design: its claims, practices, and methodologies. Findings discovered through qualitative research illuminate the current application of social design practices and offer critique around their use in the social sphere. This article argues that designers must be sensitive to a variety of complex social and cultural cues and structures or they risk contributing to, or practicing, design neocolonialism. The article offers two key theoretical suggestions to further the emerging field’s progress. First, social design must shift its focus from one that is human-centered to one that is situation-centered. Second, it is imperative that social design develops a shared framework for understanding, executing, and evaluating its initiatives and interventions. Additionally, this article introduces a matrix to serve as an early iteration of a shared framework.
KEYWORDS: social design, design colonialism, human-centered design, design thinking, design methodology, framework, matrix

Reframing an Emerging Practice

Social design is, in its broadest sense, the use of design to address, and ultimately solve, social problems. Currently, social design practice runs the gamut from policy development to Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems design and much in between. In addition to “social design,” a number of different terms are used to refer to this type of work, including but not limited to: design for social innovation, design for social change, creative changemaking, co-design, service design, empathetic design, and humancentered design. As the meaning and terminology of social design itself has yet to be concretely understood or collectively accepted (Kimbell 2011: p. 288), this article will use the term “social design” to capture all facets of design applied to the social realm with the intent of addressing and/or solving social problems.
In designing social situations, as social design aims to do, a different set of processes and research methodologies must be used than those employed in designing objects. If social designers want to create social change and solve social issues, they must first understand that solutions cultivated from afar must be considered subordinate to the beliefs, knowledge, and perspectives of the people affected by said issues.
As designers enter the social realm – and shift from designing objects to designing social change – the need for capable and ethical social practice must be acknowledged and developed. The field of social design must adopt new, more appropriate practices and modify – even disregard if necessary – methods that are unsuitable for designing situations. Social design must reorient its theoretical philosophy away from traditional human-centered priorities (which tend to be object centric) and shift instead toward new situationcentered (social centric) priorities.

In order to cultivate a practice with a situation-centered focus, a complex, multidimensional understanding of people and their environments is essential. As Brazilian educator Paulo Freire wrote in Pedagogy of the Oppressed: One cannot expect positive results from an educational or political action program which fails to respect the particular view of the world held by the people. Such a program constitutes cultural invasion, good intentions notwithstanding. (Freire 2005: 95)

为了培养这种实践方法(它的目标是以情境为中心来考虑的),一种复合的,多维度的对人与其环境的理解就有必要了。正如巴西教育家Paulo Freire在《被压迫者教育学》中提及的,当一个教育性或政治性项目不能够尊重人们特定的世界观,那人们就无法期待从中得到有利的结果。这种项目反而构成了文化入侵,即使它本意是好的。(Freire 2005: 95)
A holistic understanding is essential for the sustainability and efficacy of social design initiatives. Design must prioritize community ownership and inclusive participation to ensure that the sustainability of a project’s future is embraced by the end user. Design work applied within the social realm must be collaborative, culturally relevant, socially applicable, and empowering rather than imposing and removed. Relevant stakeholders and communities must be given a highly regarded and considered voice, otherwise designers and their projects run the risk of being ineffective, at least and negatively
impactful, at worst.

Edward Said stated in Orientalism that “ideas, cultures, and histories cannot seriously be understood or studied without their force, or more precisely their configurations of power, also being studied”(Said 1979: 5). Those intent on changing elements of situations, or entire situations, must cultivate a thorough understanding of a situation’s various underlying social factors – its economy, sociopolitical context(s), the views of its various constituents, and its history – what Said refers to as “force” (ibid.). As social design stands now, a Saidlike understanding is absent from theory and practice.
Situation-centered design must hold the same concentrated, end-user prioritization that human-centered design does. However, the “end-user” in situation-centered design is social milieu which is comprised of many, often varied, “end-users” as well as the delicate systems and structures in which these “users” interact. A shift in such thinking would serve as an acknowledgment of the complexity of the social spaces this form of design aims to occupy. Inexorably, social change encompasses and affects much more than human interaction with an object.
Our systems’ challenges and their root causes must be considered, and ultimately redesigned, to yield positive impact. As sociologist Allan Johnson suggests: People, of course, will have to change in order for systems to change, but the most important point is that changing people isn’t enough. The solution also has to include entire systems, such as capitalism, whose paths of least resistance shape how we feel, think, and behave as individuals, how we see ourselves and one another. (Johnson 2005: 38)

我们的体系受到的挑战与其根本原因必须得到考虑并最终被重新设计,以产出积极影响。正如社会学家Allan Johnson所建议的(Johnson 2005: 38):
Many social design interventions actively seek to participate in this redesign. If social design strives to positively reshape the social realm, then social design study, practice, and practitioners must consider, and be able to consider, the macro and micro political, economic, and cultural systems that contribute to the issues and ills that social design seeks to change.

Social Design: Methodologies and Practices
There are two primary and ubiquitous methodological tools employed within social design: design thinking and human-centered design. The concept of design thinking was introduced by several mid-century design theorists including Peter Rowe and Nigel Cross in their books Design Thinking and Designerly Ways of Knowing, respectively. Recently, however, design thinking has become popularized in the social design world after IDEO CEO Tim Brown wrote an article on the topic in Harvard Business Review (Brown 2008). Brown (2009) subsequently authored a book on the same subject  entitled Change by Design. Within social design, design thinking is considered to be an effective method for conceiving of and producing innovative solutions to social problems (Kimbell 2011: 292).

有两种基础的又无处不在的教学法工具在社会设计中得到采用:设计思维与以人为本的设计。设计思维的概念最初由几位中世纪的设计理论家,包括Peter Rowe 和Nigel Cross 分别在他们的书Design Thinking 和Designerly Ways of Knowing 之中引入。然而最近设计思维的概念在社会设计的世界中普及开来,在IDEO的CEO Tim Brown于《哈佛商业评论》上发表了关于该主题的文章(2008年)之后。Brown在2009年接着又就相同主题写了一本题为Change by Design的书。在社会设计中,设计思维被认为是一种有效的方法,用于构想并产出针对社会问题的创新解决方案(Kimbell 2011: 292)。

Design thinking purportedly has a diverse range of functions such as a cognitive style, a general theory and practice of design, and an approach toward organization management (Kimbell 2012: 141).

Similarly within the world of social design, human-centered design (HCD) is considered to be a process that transitions innovative ideas from cerebral concept to “actionable” reality; ideas relating to social change particularly included (IDEO 2009: 4). HCD has been deployed and popularized through publications like IDEO’s “HCD Toolkit,“ frog’s “Collective Action Toolkit,” the American Institute of Graphic Arts’“Ethnography Primer,” and Helsinki Design Lab’s “Design Ethnography Fieldguide.” 

在社会设计的世界中与之相似的是,以人为本的设计(HCD)被认为是一种把革新理念从脑中的概念转变为“可行动的“现实的过程;这也特别包括了与社会变迁相关的理念(IDEO 2009: 4)。HCD通过这些出版物得到展开和普及:IDEO的”HCD工具包“,frog的”共同行动工具包“, 美国平面艺术学院的”民族志初级读本“与赫尔辛基设计实验室的”设计民族志实地指南“。

Social design practice operates on the basis of the notion that design-based creative processes, such as design thinking and human-centered design, can and should be used to generate (presumably useful) solutions to social change problems, and therefore social change itself. Both human-centered design and design thinking have been given significant credit and credibility within the world of social design – they are continually relied upon as processes that can produce “new solutions for the world” (ibid.:6) and that yield innovative,  empathetic, user-centric results. However, the designers employing these practices are “not always working in close collaboration with public service specialists” (Kimbell 2011: 286), or the very actors within the domains they seek to improve.

社会设计的实践基于这样的见解而行动:基于设计的创造过程,比如设计思维与以人为本的设计,能够且应当被用于形成(大致是有用的)社会变迁所致问题的解决途径,从而引发社会变迁本身。以人为本的设计和设计思维都已经在社会设计世界中被给予重大的信任和信度——作为能够产出“世界的新解决方案“(ibid.:6),能够产出创新的,有同理心的,以用户为本的结果的方法,它们被持续依靠着。然而,采用这些做法的设计师们”不总是在与公共服务专家的合作中工作“(Kimbell 2011: 286),也不总是在他们试图去改进的领域中与在地的行动者合作。
Social Design “Lite”
Human-centered design and design thinking are applicable methods for designing products that will be used or consumed by humans. However, social design is now functioning in a different environment – the social – which is a multidimensional, complex, and delicate space, whose expansive and nuanced nature is no longer adequately covered by “human-centered.” The problem with employing object-centered methodologies to work that is based in the social is that the latter remains an immaterial space; it consists of intangibles, such as Michel Foucault’s “always-already” pervasive power structures (Foucault 1979: 82). Object-centered practices are suited for use in creating tangible objects but, logically enough, are less suitable for creating social change, which is often largely intangible.

以人为本的设计和设计思维都是在设计为人们所使用和消费的产品时可以用到的方法。然而,社会设计正在一种不同的环境中运作——社会的,也就是多维度的,复杂而脆弱的空间。社会空间开阔与微妙的特性使得“以人为中心的“视角不再能涵盖它。采用”以对象为中心“的方法做基于社会的工作的问题在于,社会依然是非物质的空间;它由不可见之物,比如米歇尔福柯提及的”无时无刻不在的“,无处不在的权力结构而构成(Foucault 1979: 82)。以对象为中心的实践适合用于创造有形的物品,但逻辑上不那么适合创造社会变迁,因为它很大程度上是无形的。

While the practices and materials of HCD and design thinking do allude to potentially relevant methodologies, they have been adopted in problematically diluted, or “lite,” iterations. These augmentations render potentially relevant practices insufficient for use within the social because they remove the critical facets that make these methods useful in the first place. 


Design thinking and HCD quite problematically lack the credible, unbiased, qualitative and quantitative support necessary to back up the bold claims surrounding their efficacy when applied to the social.


For example, ethnography is a fundamental tool in anthropological and sociological research, leveraging in-depth relationships with the community or communities that the ethnographer is involved in, and these relationships continue over long periods of time – years, even decades. Such rigorous forms of ethnography are excluded from HCD and design thinking materials and processes. The ubiquitously perceived value and pervasive use of design thinking and HCD within social design are problematic because, with the most key and robust components of social science practice missing, design thinking and HCD remain too fundamentally callow for application within the social realm.
The weaknesses of design thinking and HCD, specifically with respect to their usefulness as processes that solve problems surrounding social change, can be summarized in three ways:

1. Research is deemphasized, devalued, and simplified. The necessary context required to inform effective problem definition and relevant concepts is removed.
2. There is no emphasis on ensuring or checking that solutions are appropriate, informed by context, or that issues are thoroughly understood prior to the design and implementation of solutions.
3. The agenda of the designer and freedom of creativity are prioritized over more paramount components such as end-user empowermentand a deep understand 1ding of the end-user’s worldviews.


If design-based social change is going to be effective and lasting, it must not be dependent upon the designer; rather, it must be rooted in empowerment. If social issues are to be addressed, processes must start with a solid foundation of in-depth, contextual research as exemplified by practices within relevant social science fields such as anthropology and sociology.

The Social Sciences’ Contribution to an Emerging Practice
In the vein of social science fields, a shared framework for theory and practice must be developed and implemented as social design progresses. It is imperative that this framework facilitates an understanding of the differences between situation-centered and objectcentered design work. One size does not fit all in terms of approach – what is useful for creating an object is likely not useful for creating social change. Therefore, it is critical that practitioners become equipped to identify the best and most suitable project-specific practices, which might often be a mix of multiple, relevant methods.

The process of selecting an appropriate method or methods must begin by first understanding, then considering, the differences in scope and capability amongst the menu of methodologies available to social designers. Without understanding why certain approaches are more appropriate for certain applications, different methodologies can be misappropriated and ineffectively applied – as is certainly the case with design thinking and HCD. To more appropriately incorporate and differentiate the necessary perspectives and methodologies of the social sciences when designing social change, the authors have developed a diagrammatic matrix. This matrix functions as an initial iteration of a pedagogical framework for understanding the widely varying audiences, attributes, and research needs of social design, so often missing from education and practice. The variety of different foci among social design projects warrants and requires the use of various methodologies dependent upon the context in which they are operating. This matrix is used to differentiate between the various spheres of operation, which can then inform context-specific decisions around relevant and appropriate method selection. Using this matrix as a guide towards relevant implementation approaches, designers can then differentiate research needs based on the type, context, and scope of a particular project.


As seen in Figure 1, the social design matrix has two axes. The y‑axis represents the spectrum of design intervention, ranging from situations to objects, from intangible to tangible. These binaries address the current social design trend to move beyond object-centered design and into situation-centered design. The x-axis represents the spectrum of the designer’s solidarity with a given community in which they seek to work. To articulate the xaxis binaries, the words outside and inside are used.5 An outside perspective refers to an intervention in which designers are not embedded in the community for whom they are designing. Outside perspective projects are characterized by “parachute” designs where solutions are proposed for, and even implemented within, communities from which the designer is heavily, or even completely, removed. Conversely, an inside perspective refers to a context in which designers have developed a strong sense of solidarity with the community being addressed. Inside perspectives demonstrate a high level of earned trust from the community.


Using this matrix, social designers can better understand the various forms of their practice through a series of case studies, which have been identified for each quadrant in order to illustrate their different characteristics, namely their parameters, specific functionalities, and purposes. As seen in Table 1, useful and context-appropriate research methods are also provided to guide work within each quadrant.
Table 1 Selected appropriate research methods organized by matrix quadrant
图表1 把经过挑选的合适研究方法按照图表1中的四个象限来排列
Approach Objective

Gather extensive situational and social understanding. Develop honest relationships.


Possible Research Methods and Approaches


Ethnographic Research, Participant Observation, Literature Review, Case Studies, Interviews, Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation, Preliminary Desktop Research, Surveys, Social Work Intervention Process, Community Organizing Intervention Process,Praxis Model, Participatory Action Research.




Approach Objective


Gather extensive research on the enduser, beneficiary, and their use experience.


Possible Research Methods and Approaches


Human-Centered Design, Design Thinking, Probes, Diaries, Design Ethnography, Case Studies, User Personas, User Testing, Desirability Testing, Experience Sampling, Generative Research, Participatory Design Research, Interviews, Picture Cards, Surveys and Questionnaires.


Approach Objective
Generate creative, innovative ideas.

Possible Research Methods and Approaches


Design Thinking, Creative Processes Collage, Thinking Wrong, Design Charette, Image Boards, Role Playing.




Approach Objective


Research methods not suggested, as work in this quadrant is not recommended.


Possible Research Methods and Approaches


As the priority in quadrant four projects is one’s own beliefs derived from personal experience, research is usually less often embraced.

It is not suggested that projects operate with quadrant four perspectives. No methods are recommended.


象限一: 革新性的社会变迁:以内部视角设计情境
Quadrant One, Transformative Social Change: Designing a Situation with an Inside Perspective

Transformative social change values holism and considers the multiple systems at play within a particular situation, including but not limited to: people, culture, values, environments, history, power dynamics, socioeconomics, and future impact (Nelson and Prilleltensky 2010). Transformational social change often occurs on multiple levels (ibid.), and desired outcomes of such interventions often include increasing competency, independence, self-sufficiency, and access to resources (ibid.). Quadrant one encompasses projects in which designers cultivate an inside perspective, characterized by actions such as working with, living with, having first-hand experience with, or studying the social groups and societal contexts associated with the initiative for an extended period of time. Work conducted in this quadrant requires that the designer achieves a high level of trust from the community, has completed intensive and relevant research, and has developed a thorough understanding of all relevant complex social issues and systems – whether this is a task designers take on themselves or they solve by adding members to their team. The designers working in this space dedicate a serious amount of commitment to the (often long term) creation, implementation, and evaluation of the project.

Case Study: Bicycles Against Poverty
Bicycles Against Poverty (BAP) began as a student project undertaken by an interdisciplinary team of young thinkers, spearheaded by Muyambi Muyambi, a civil engineer from Uganda and collegeeducated in the United States (“Muyambi Muyambi ’12” 2009). Many of the students included in the original development group now hold
professional positions within the BAP nonprofit, exhibiting a high level of commitment to the cause and organization (Bicycles Against Poverty [n.d.]). BAP collaborated with local community partners and earned a Community Organization status from the government in order to cultivate trust between the organization and the community (ibid.). Consequently, the community welcomes BAP’s efforts and plays an active role in informing the organization’s progress and outcomes (ibid.). BAP’s purpose is to alleviate poverty through fostering selfsufficiency by increasing access to resources rather than simply providing the resources themselves. Understanding that bicycles can serve as a vehicle for access to water, jobs, healthcare, and ultimately self-empowerment, BAP designed a system for making bikes an achievable option for people in Ugandan villages through
micro finance lending for bike ownership (ibid.). However, the nonprofit’s work extends well beyond providing opportunities for bike access in northern Uganda. BAP believes that, for the system to work effectively, a holistic set of strategies should be incorporated
including bike repair seminars, entrepreneurship technical training, money management workshops, and mechanisms for community feedback (ibid.). BAP’s understanding of cultural specifics, level of continued commitment to the cause, and effort to design a holistic and multidimensional system for social change exemplify a quadrant one initiative.
“用自行车对抗贫困“(BAP)始于一个由跨学科青年思考者们发起的学生项目,带头人是Muyambi Muyambi,一位在美国接受过大学教育的乌干达土木工程师。初创团队中的很多学生如今在BAP这个非营利组织中担任专业职位,显示出他们为这一组织及其事业付出了很多。BAP与当地社区的伙伴进行合作,它也为了培养组织与社区间的信任从政府那里得到了”社区组织“这一地位。因此,社区欢迎BAP做出的努力,并积极(向成员,向外界)告知这一组织的发展与成果。
Quadrant Two, Human-Centered Design: Designing an Object with an Inside Perspective
Quadrant two encompasses projects and interventions aiming to design objects with a heavy emphasis on the end-user. Designers working on these projects employ inside perspectives, have a deep understanding of the end-user, or even incorporate the user throughout the design process. Work in this quadrant uses traditional human-centered design processes and methodologies; it is a space where designers prioritize and understand the end-user with the intent of designing relevant objects. Efforts in this space can positively contribute to social change through object design.

Case Study: NeoNurture – The “Car Parts” Incubator
Design that Matters sought to address the fact that a lack of hospitable environments for newborns in developing countries contributes to 1.8 million infant deaths yearly (“NeoNurture” [n.d.]). To address this they designed NeoNurture: The “Car Parts” Incubator, a device used to reduce newborn deaths caused by a lack of warmth postdelivery. The design team developed the concept through finding answers to critical, culturally relevant questions about sustainability, use,  and maintenance to make their product successful in the context in which it was to be deployed (ibid.). Research guided their decision to design an incubator out of used and discarded car parts, an abundant resource in the developing countries in which they were working. The result was an affordable, accessible, and sustainable option for a sanitary incubator that can be used in rural areas and repaired by anyone who knows how to repair a car. NeoNurture contrasts with conventional incubators, which are financially inaccessibleand impossible to be repaired by the populations most affected by this phenomenon (ibid.).NeoNurture is characteristic of a quadrant two inside perspective because it used human-centered design to create a culturally relevant and viable object. Both the project and design exhibit an informed point of view, cultivated through interviews, qualitative data quantitative data, and first-hand experience and observations (ibid.).
Design that Matters(2001年由MIT学生创建的设计方面的社会企业,关注发展中国家人们的基本需求)力求强调这一事实:发展中国家新生儿医疗条件的缺乏,导致了每年1800万婴儿的死亡。为了解决这一问题,他们设计了NeoNurture汽车配件育婴箱,这一设备用于减少产后恒温箱的缺乏所导致的新生儿死亡。设计团队通过寻找有关可持续性、使用与维护这些方面的,在文化上适宜的关键问题的答案,发展出这一概念,让他们的产品在它部署的环境中成功。研究引导着他们决定了设计出由使用过或废弃的汽车部件制成的育婴箱,这些部件在他们正工作的国家里有着充分的资源。成品是一个能让人买得起用得上的,可持续使用的公共育婴箱,人们能在农村区域使用它,而且任何会修车的人都能维修它。常规的育婴箱的对于受到医疗条件匮乏而感到困扰的人群来说是难以负担且很难维修的,而NeoNurture避免了这些状况。
Quadrant Three, Traditional Design: Designing an Object with an Outside Perspective
Quadrant three encompasses projects aiming to design objects as well, however, designers working on these projects are characterized by employing an outside perspective. Work in this space may have socially focused content, but the social groups addressed are not intensively studied or included by the designer and are not necessarily represented and reflected in the design process or outcome. The designer is not embedded in the community the design addresses and, therefore, the target community has less trust in and interaction with the designer, if any. Social design work in this space often manifests in two ways. The first is that organizations interested in bringing awareness to a certain issue hire a designer and provide them with relevant content. Second, particularly inspired designers feel inclined to practice or contribute to socially focused work on their own accord. This quadrant aligns with strategic consultant David Berman’s message in do good design: But rather than sharing our cycles of style, consumption, and chemical addictions, designers can use their professional power, persuasive skills, and wisdom to help distribute ideas that the world really needs: health information, conflict resolution, tolerance, technology, freedom of the press, freedom of
speech, human rights, democracy … (Berman 2009: 39)

这一路线中的社会设计工作常以两种面目出现。第一种是想让人们关注特定议题的组织雇佣了设计师并向他们提供相关内容。第二种,特别有灵感的设计师有意练习或为有着社会关怀的作品自愿做贡献。这一象限与战略顾问David Berman在do good design这本书中提到的一段话不谋而合了:

个案研究:由John St.设计的战争儿童运动
Case Study: War Child Campaign Designed by John St.
War Child “works with children all over the world to reduce the effects of poverty, provide an education, and to defend and promote child rights” through awareness efforts and nine international projects (War Child [n.d.]). As a not-for-profit project, the Torontobased design firm John St. designed print, film, and social media elements for a War Child campaign (John St [n.d.]). The campaign was designed to promote awareness around, and raise funds for, child soldiers. The campaign received much attention and several accolades, particularly for its mock child soldier camp held in North America. John St.’s work brought an important issue to public attention, using the firm’s talents and power of persuasion as a design agency to assist a charity organization in their efforts to better inform public thought and opinion. As John St. was not embedded in the community of child soldiers which the campaign addressed and received information from the non-profit with which it partnered rather than cultivating theinformation for its campaign itself, John St., in this example, exemplifies an outside perspective. However, it is noteworthy to mention that design projects such as these do contribute in an impactful way to cultivating social change. These types of projects are important and accessible avenues for designers with socially focused intentions who want to work within the social realm and contribute to positive social change, but perhaps may be without the available amount of commitment and expertise required of projects in quadrants one and two.
“战争儿童”项目“与全世界的孩子们一起减少贫困,提供教育,捍卫并推动孩子的权利”,通过努力吸引关注,由九个国际项目推进。作为一个非盈利项目,以多伦多为据点的设计公司John St.为“战争儿童”运动设计了印刷品,影片与社交媒体元素。这些是为了引起人们对儿童士兵的关注,并为他们募捐。这一运动引起了许多关注并获得了一些荣誉,尤其是它反讽了在北美的儿童兵营。John St.的工作把这一重要议题提到了公众的眼前,利用它们作为设计机构的才能与说服力来支持慈善组织,以协助它们更好地向公众普及这些事实从而对公众产生积极影响。                                     
John St.一系列关于儿童士兵的运动的海报之一

John St.并没有深入这次宣传中所突出的儿童士兵社群中,它们从合作的非营利组织处获取的信息并不是第一手信息。在这个例子中的John St.呈现为外部的视角。然而值得注意的是,这些设计项目确实也有效地培养了社会的改变。这些类型的项目对于这样的一些设计师是可行且重要的路径:有着社会关切,想在社会领域中工作并为积极的社会改变做贡献,但可能没有第1、2象限中所提及的足够的投入与专业技能,
Quadrant Four, Design Neocolonialism: Designing a Situation with an Outside Perspective
Quadrant four encompasses projects that, like quadrant one, aim to design situations. However, the designers in this space employ an outside perspective. Due to these inherent contradictions, quadrant four becomes a very precarious space in which to work; the outside perspective that defines this quadrant does not allow for the necessary components of effective situation design (such as trust and deep understanding) to exist. An outside perspective means that problem definitions and their solutions are identified and created in isolation from the addressed community and their particular social context(s); therefore, interventions in this space often exhibit a disconnect between the people involved and the social phenomena addressed. Consequently, there is a very high risk of cultural bias (Lasky 2013: 12) as well as what the authors define as deign neocolonialism in this quadrant. Neocolonialism is defined as “the continued exercise of political or economic influence over a society in the absence of formal political control” (Ritzer 2007). Further distilled, neocolonialism can be understood as influence over a population, community, or society in the absence of direct, obvious or formal control. History shows that instances of neocolonialism can provide tangential social “benefits,” such as the creation of schools. However, we must question the cost of such tangential “benefits.” For example, if schools are developed as a result of neocolonialism, it is likely that the curriculum will be influenced, either partially or completely, by the culturally enforced educational ideals of the implementer, not those of the people being “served”. Despite laudable intentions or seemingly beneficial outcomes, negative impacts at the communities’ expense often result. Providing education that doesn’t include a community’s culture, norms, or values serves to erase community and replace it with a “neocolony” of the creator. These negative impacts are why neocolonialism is a force for change that is fundamentally imposing rather than empowering. Design projects that fall into quadrant four are considered design neocolonialism. Unfortunately, contemporary social design initiatives often operate in this quadrant. While designers likely do not actively seek to impose their values or ideas on others, “influence happens organically” (Altbach 2013). Seeking to create social change while employing an outside perspective is incredibly problematic and morally flawed; such approaches do not facilitate or create culturally sensitive, empowering, or lasting (and therefore successful) social change. Projects that do not understand, consider, or respect users’ values, socioeconomic contexts, or the inherent agency end-users rightfully should have over their own situations are neocolonial in nature and are characteristic of quadrant four initiatives.



Case Study: One Laptop Per Child
One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) is a nonprofit organization working to provide rugged, low cost laptops to children in developing countries. The OLPC initiative’s mission is to “empower the world’s poorest children through education” (One Laptop Per Child [n.d.]). The OLPC initiative is a quadrant four project because it illustrates employing an outside perspective in an effort to change a situational context; OLPC highlights the dangers associated with quadrant four initiatives. Although a physical laptop is the design vehicle, the aim of the project is to improve education and increase information access through a situation-centered design. The laptop was developed in isolation from the end-using communities and was employed via, “almost in every way, a traditional top down” approach (Nussbaum 2007). The project has been described as a “parachute” effort where “cultural disconnects kept kids from benefitting from the machines” (“Peru’s One Laptop Per Child” 2012). Aiming to “transform communities” through education and information access is a situational context that requires a deep understanding of the existing education system, context(s) surrounding information access, cultural values, and political landscape(s) (One Laptop Per Child [n.d.]). Because the project was exclusive of these necessary elements which would have provided the OLPC creators with the insight to make their product culturally relevant, the laptop was subsequently not embraced by or useful to the communities it intended to serve. Unfortunately, OLPC exemplifies the design neocolonialism that occurs frequently when designers attempt to change situations they do not sufficiently understand, or are not able to know if they sufficiently understand.
Conclusions and Limitations
Social design has forged, somewhat haphazardly, into a new space where the design of social systems has become an equal opportunity focus for a variety of design disciplines. Without first considering processes, methodologies, frameworks, ethics, and foundations for the field, the freedom and dynamism currently present within social design weaken the legitimacy and potential efficacy of the field. Continuing this mode of practice can and does contribute to causing harm and negatively impacting populations in an attempt to make social change. 

Since addressing all aspects requiring improvement within the social design field (or developing a comprehensive critique of social design practice) is beyond the scope of this article, this work is primarily research and pre-design focused. The authors do not argue that the suggestions previously discussed are a panacea for the issues surrounding social design. To the contrary, it is believed that these ideas will need further refinement over time via collaborative dialogue and constructive augmentation among social design educators, practitioners, and students.


The bias of the authors is rooted firmly in social science and grass-roots development perspectives – a view is held that there are certain paramount traditions within the social sciences (such as rigorous research and comprehensive problem definition) which social design will need to adopt and adapt to as it continues to merge design and the social. However, the fact that social design is a developing field can be a potential strength, if approached thoughtfully. Social design has the opportunity to learn from the history and mistakes that fields like anthropology (playing a hand in colonialism) have made and avoid repeating them. Social design can also benefit immensely from the increasing populations of well-intentioned practitioners who are passionate about and committed to this sector of
design work. The growing social design community shows promise of ambition, talent, and laudable aspirations on top of a desire to address our ever-increasing list of social challenges. That said, social change is no small feat. If social design seeks to educate students or provide practitioners with tools to create transformative change, social design must become rooted in a strong, well-developed, socially focused foundation.
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